The district, in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Bernardino County and Quail Forever, has completed the well repairs for the continuation of the Camp Cady grain field to be put into full circle operation. This last year the field was planted by a local farmer with grain for the Quail Forever quail hunts to take place and then replanted with Sudan grass seed. This full field restoration will greatly diminish or possibly stop dune sand from blowing onto Harvard Road in Newberry Springs. Every year Harvard Road, a main road off the 15 freeway, in Newberry Springs must be closed due to sand blowing across the road making it unsafe for traffic. This road stays closed for several days until the sand can be bulldozed onto the shoulder to allow traffic to continue. This closing of Harvard Road has happened several times per year in the past in the winter and spring but especially in the fall. The planting of Sudan grass on this agricultural field up wind from Harvard Road will not only work to diminish sand blow but provide a larger source of food and shelter for local wildlife. This is an ongoing project funded by Fish and Wildlife Biological Trust Fund and in
partnership with Quail Forever, San Bernardino County and the local farming community.