In partnership with the Mojave Water Agency the District conducted anevaporation cooler water usage study.The swamp cooler study has had quite a few challenges from meter and adapter inconsistencies, and volunteer homeowner challenges to waiver delays and finally the Covid-19 shut down. July, August and September of 2020 finally saw things come together with approximately 30 meters being installed on residential swamp coolers in Joshua Tree, Apple Valley and Victorville. The meters were monitored and data collected was compared to data being collected from the University of Davis.
The data from this study will be used for calculating consumptive water use for regulations pending limits on household water use from the state of California. The District and MWA are advocating to include water cooler use, which can be significant,in the desert regions.When the meters were placed on the cooler lines a series of questions were recorded including, location, weather data, type of cooler and model number.UC Davis is completing water bill collections and correlating that information with energy use through Edison bills.In summer and fall of 2020 community homeowner volunteers allowed a water meter to be placed on the water line to their swamp coolers. An initial reading was noted, and further periodic readings were taken for water consumption data.This data then went to Mojave Water Agency for analysis and subsequent calculations submitted to UC Davis. This study will not be repeated in Fiscal year 2021-22.